Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

You are part of a TEAM!

This week’s devotions are based on Week 2 of Rooted – Grounded in Grace (CLICK HERE)


Together Everyone Accomplishes More.

This common phrase is helpful to understand that what we can accomplish as an individual is augmented when we are part of and surrounded by a team.  In fact some would say that you can’t achieve anything great without the help of a team.  The bigger the team, the more that can be done and the bigger the influence.

Without making a large diversion, when the team is big enough, it begins to have influence on the culture around it, eventually the community, perhaps even the country.  As we head into an election cycle there are different ideals in both candidates.  Each candidate has a team helping to spread their message to the American voter.  But perhaps in some ways, each candidate is simply trying to align with the ideals that most people hold in America.  We will find out on November 5 how that turns out.  Different ideas in culture take broad exposure and broad acceptance to begin to change the beliefs and behavior of the people.  It’s why Hollywood, the media, and sports to name a few are so consequential in shaping the way people in America think.  Just think of different cultural shifts started on a weeknight sitcom that was shocking at first, but now commonly accepted as normal.

The power of the team can also be leveraged by Christians to infiltrate the culture to influence it for Christ.  But it takes more than one.  It takes all of us, not only sitting in church on Sunday, but living out and sharing our faith in the activities the rest of the week.  Starting with our own family, we can leverage the time we have to bring the heart of the Gospel to the hearts of those that we care about most.  How we show up at work, watch our kids sporting event, or engage in political discussions are all opportunities to bring the power of the Gospel to bear.  

Paul wrote this to the Colossians 4:5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. 

The value of being part of a church is being surrounded by Christian relationships that can encourage, support, and help you be a witness for Christ.  Collectively the influence of a group of God’s people can begin to affect in a positive way the community around.  And the more we gain the trust of the people around us, we can have conversations that are full of grace.

So be part of the team.  Together, Everyone Accomplishes More…for the sake of the Gospel!


Prayer: Lord, thank you for making me part of your team.  Use me along with all the Christian relationships around me to make an impact for your kingdom in our community.  AMEN.

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion