Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX



Sunday is a signature time at Crosspoint (Cross and Crown) to worship, grow in faith and connect with others.

We have one service at 10:00AM that is more relaxed, contemporary format (Contemporary Worship) with a Kids Church for Tots through Grade 5. The service is about an hour. Dress however you are comfortable.
You can catch past sermons in the Sermon Archives 

Special Life Events (baptism and confirmation) are celebrated in worship; while others (weddings, funerals, etc) are arranged per event.
Please see Highlighted Events for special worship services for holidays (Christmas, Easter, Lent, Advent, etc)

We would love to have you join us. If you have any questions, please contact us!


VISION: Place where faith and life intersect.
KEY PASSAGE: “Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:9


  • You are loved by God and He desires to have a relationship with you.
  • Sin is a reality and separates us from God.
  • God loved you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to redeem you from your sin. Jesus perfect life and resurrection is the fulfillment of the standards we cannot do on our own — this is grace and a free gift given.  Jesus to overcome sin, stand as our substitute and restore our ability to have a direct relationship with God.
  • Through the power of the Holy Spirit, our lives can be transformed.
  • God has gifted you with unique skills and abilities to use on this earth and for His glory.
  • Our life on earth is a journey to know God and fulfill his purpose for our lives.


  • PERSISTENT PRAYER: Rely on and pray continually.
  • UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: Experiences the love of Christ.
  • VISIBLE GRACE: We live, forgive, and give each other grace.
  • AUTHENTIC COMMUNITY: We are real and transparent.
  • EXTREME GENEROSITY: Gratefully & joyfully give our first fruits.
  • CULTURALLY RELEVANT: Share Jesus; connect with culture.
  • OUTREACH FOCUSED: It’s not about us, but reaching others.

Our desire at Crosspoint is that people would feel welcome, safe, accepted, loved. We believe that people need to feel comfortable to show up how they are, where they are, and that it is perfect. We are all at different places in our faith journey. We want to love people where they are. This culture is one where people are committed to growing in their relationship with God to know Him better and experience God’s love, grace and forgiveness. In addition, people practice their faith through personal transformation in how they see people (through God’s eyes vs human eyes that can judge) and then seek to selflessly serve, being God’s hands and feet. In a culture like this people get to experience and feel God’s love and grace, as their lives are transformed through God’s love personally which changes the way we live and see people. This is represented in our 4 pillars to

  • CONNECT – be part of a community that encourages, equips and support one another in life’s journey
  • GROW – committed to regular worship and bible study to transform and renew our minds to better see, understand and live God’s way
  • SERVE – Use our gifts and talents to live life to God’s glory (serving in church and in the community)
  • SHARE – Mission to: live with purpose and go with passion – which is all about sharing God’s love and grace and gift

We desire that every ministry partner is committed to:
• daily growth in God’s Word
• Weekly gathering to Worship God
• Weekly fellowship to encourage and pray for one another
• See people through God’s eyes
• Heart & grace centered
• Know & live their unique calling and gifts
• Put faith into action through active service

We know the world needs Jesus. In a culture that is exponentially moving away from church and a faith (;) Satan is effectively luring people away through creating reasons to be disgruntled with church, busy with life, enamored with reason/man’s science and disconnected from God. The world is fallen, and sin has an impact of pain, brokenness, and darkness. People need God’s light and hope. While the church is full of broken people struggling with life, we all are children of God: forgiven, loved and redeemed. Our mission is to share this message of grace and redemption with the world. It offers HOPE and LIGHT, ENCOURAGMENT and WISDOM when life seems complex and hopeless. God will always win and desires us to SEEK Him, KNOW Him and FOLLOW Him.

Our desire, every partner in ministry:
• is on this mission
• has a heart for the world to know Jesus
• cares about people first
• committed to growing in faith, to transform their own heart & mind
• active part of the body/ministry
• see, serve & love people
• urgency to share Jesus with people


Crosspoint Church (Cross and Crown) was founded in 1995 as a daughter church of Holy Word in Austin, Texas. The founding group met and named the church Cross and Crown Lutheran Church.  In 2021, in an effort to relaunch the ministry as a mission in Georgetown, the group went through a process to Revive, Renew, and Relaunch (Unstuck/R3 project). In 2022, Cross and Crown adopted the ministry name Crosspoint Church.

We are part of the WELS Lutheran Church – which means we are a bible based church that stand on the core teachings of
Grace Alone. Faith Alone. Scripture Alone. (

Cross and Crown began as a mission expansion effort of Holy Word Lutheran Church in Austin, TX.  With a number of individuals driving from Georgetown to worship in Austin, a decision was made to explore the possibility of starting a congregation in Georgetown.  The plan included requesting a vicar (third year Seminary student) to join the Holy Word staff with a focus on reaching out into the Georgetown community.  In summer of 1995, Vicar Mike Geiger joined Pastor Don Patterson and the Holy Word congregation to work at this mission effort.

September of 1995 was an exciting time.  After months, maybe years, of discussions and planning a new mission was started in Georgetown, TX in the living room of Alice and John Pennington (just a couple blocks off the Georgetown square).  Optimism was high.  Dreams abounded.  This dedicated group of 15-20 individuals invested themselves to bring Jesus to people in Georgetown.  In February of 1996, a regular Sunday morning service started.

Later that year the WELS Home Mission board approved funding so the mission could call its own Pastor.  In July of 1996, Pastor Eric Hartzell was installed as Cross and Crown’s first resident pastor.  He led the congregation for 20 years, developing a ministry focused on visitation, caring for the home-bound, and growing members in the Word of God.  Shortly after he arrived, the congregation moved to rented facilities off of Rock Street.  This served as the meeting spot until the group secured 10 acres of land in the north part of Georgetown off of Shell Road.  With the help of volunteers from Builders for Christ (a volunteer organization with Kingdom Workers), the congregation built their current facility at 3800 Shell Road in 2002.

In June of 2016, Pastor Hartzell left the congregation to serve the parish in Globe, AZ.  In January of 2017, Pastor Mike Geiger, the vicar who helped start the congregation in 1995, returned to guide the congregation in to the years ahead.

From 2017-2021, the group went through several evolutions to add a contemporary service, kids church and start new community outreach efforts. Covid and other challenges continued to stretch the group shrinking the membership and core group. In a desire to reach the growing community around the church the group in Jan 2021, a group of about 25 Cross and Crown members gathered to explore how to better reach and connect with our community. The group began a process with a group call Unstuck (book). The book had us take an assessment to assess our church “stage and health” from start up to a dying church. Different attributes are signs of where a church is at in its life cycle. Depending where a church is, there are tough decisions and actions that ben be taken to move back to a relaunch stage of ministry that supported a mission discipleship mindset. The process helped us to solidify a better vision for “church of the future” while there were many things we all valued about “the church of the past”. We determined there were 3 unchanging constants for us: God’s Inherit Word found in the Bible, Lutheran Confessions, and WELS partnership. We want to be intentional about being a place where people of all ages can ask questions and find God’s grace, love and truth in a relevant way. We know this shift requires physical and cultural changes.

In the summer of 2021 the group started updating our facility to help support and match this mission. Summer/Fall 2021 focused on the kids space. Winter 2021/2022 is focusing on the rest of the facility. Jan-March 2022 the kingdom workers retired volunteer team came to help transformation the worship space, entry and begin to develop the BACKYARD outdoor community space. This project was called Unstuck and then R3.

R3 Project: Revive, Renew, and Relaunch
R3 Purpose: Create a Sustainable Church for the Future.
R3 Approach: Update the current ministry approach, setting and culture to share God’s life changing message in a real, relevant, and rejuvenating way. Sharing hope and encouragement for the challenges of today and tomorrow. 

In Feb of 2022, the group voted and adopted a subsidiary ministry name, Crosspoint church. The Kingdom Work project wrapped up March 2022 and the group shifted to stage 2 of the project which was

  • identity shift (Cross and Crown to Crosspoint)
  • internal processes and culture development
  • ongoing physical changes of the space: developing the outdoor spaces


Why? Our desire is to relaunch into the community in a relevant, approachable, and simple way. We want to communicate a heart-centered, contemporary / modern, casual, relational, simple but meaningful, family-friendly vibe to better reach all ages of our local community with the love of Jesus.

What does CROSSPOINT mean?
A Crosspoint is the intersection of something … We believe Jesus is at the intersection of everything important in life.
Our vision is to be a place where faith and life intersect – a place where people in the middle of life can come to see how connection to Jesus affects the meaning, purpose, and essence of life.
Our desire is that Crosspoint is a place to come as you are (wherever you are in life’s journey) with a curiosity about God, a desire to know God and an openness to explore faith and its impact on life.
Crosspoint is a place to connect with others (CONNECT), grow in faith (GROW), serve with purpose (SERVE) and share generously with other (SHARE).
Our mission is to “Grow with purpose and go with passion.” We believe this happens as we grow in relationship with God and his Word and are actively connected to a grace-filled community. Our theme passage is “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18
We desire to see others through God’s eyes help one another find healing and new ways of perceiving and handling life’s challenges – while finding greater joy, gratitude and peace every day. We want to live in relationship with others who extend love, grace, and compassion.

We pray God’s Spirit helps people to:
– feel comfortable. Show up, be welcomed and belong – to ask questions; grow in faith.
– experience transformation. See themselves in the bigger picture of God’s love and purpose for them.
– live on mission for the Lord. Impact others with your gifts and talents

What does the logo mean?
– compass … provide direction for life
– scope … provide focus for life
– circle & arrows .. provide process to grow through life
– cross.. central to life

Join us at Crosspoint… a place to connect, grow and find relationships … on the journey of faith and life!

There is much work to be done but we are prayerful God will guide and direct the efforts to glorify Him and reach hearts to experience his grace.

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion