MOVIE NIGHT Fri. July 26 Backyard Opens with Games & Food Truck 6PM | Outdoor Movie at ~8:30PM
The Outdoor Movie Night Is On for tonight! Come at 6 for dinner ($ for food truck) (bring chairs for the movie)

Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

What to Expect


We want to make your experience comfortable!  We look forward to meeting you!
Guests are always welcome Sunday AM for contemporary worship (with kids’ church).  We also have Wed PM Bible Studies and other periodic events.
The most common time to visit is Sunday AM.  It is a good idea to call ahead (512.869.7729) in case of any schedule changes. We don’t want to miss you!  If you are interested in meeting Pastor Mike, touring the church or picking up other information, please call or email. Thanks!!


What should I know? What will happen when I visit for the first time?

  • WHEN: Church starts at 10, but some people like to come as early as 9:30 to just hang out and connect.  Some people arrive during the first songs at 10AM.
  • DRESS: Come in what is comfortable for you.  Most people are pretty casual in their dress (jeans, shorts, whatever), but if you like to get dressed up in your Sunday best, that is great too!
  • PARK: When you arrive, there are some GUEST PARKING spots near the front, but park wherever you want.  Most people come through the front double doors which goes into the entryway and worship space.  A greeter is usually at the door to welcome you and help you know where things are (bathrooms, nursery, kids church, etc.) or someone at the welcome center to help you connect and setting in.
  • WELCOME: We have coffee in the entry; drinks are welcome in church. We usually have snacks after church – it is a casual social time post service, people often stay and mingle. The environment is casual to socialize or not as much as you want.
  • CONNECTING: There are “getting started” yellow card at the welcome center and the stand as you enter church. If you you want to leave a prayer, request for more info or any questions, these cards let us connect with you.  There is also a service folder on the worship entry stand with an outline for the worship for the day and announcements. Kids sheets are also on the stand to provide an activity as needed or to take home for the week.
  • SIZE: We are a smaller mission church, growing in this area.  Many people due to age, travel and comfort have enjoyed worshiping online through the live stream while others have a practice of being at church in person weekly… but depending on what is happening our attendance varies.
  • WORSHIP SERVICE: Our services start with worship songs (since we are a small mission church we do not have a live worship team yet, but are praying for a worship music group). Our music is lead from videos featuring contemporary songs you often here on the radio.  We usually stand for the first 2 songs and then pastor will have the group sit to welcome and share a scripture reading.  We usually have a 3rd song and then pastor dismisses the kids for Kids church, while the adults dive into the sermon study. Usually people stand during the songs at the top of worship and sit during the rest of the service. Feel free to patriciate as your are comfortable. Worship ends with announcements and then Pastor Mike will walk out to greet people as they leave.  People leave as they want, some staying to talk to those around them and others leaving right away.  See more about our worship style here: Contemporary Worship
  • KIDS:
    • Nursery: There is a UNstaffed nursery off the entry if you need a space to go with a baby-tot.
    • Kids church: If you have kids potty trained 3y/o to 5th grade, we have a kids church that is held during the worship service from just before the sermon to the end of church. Parents can visit the kids church area prior to church so kids are comfortable walking over when pastor dismisses the kids from worship. Parents are also welcome to come to the kids space with their kids if desired. Kids are picked up by parents after church.
  • COMMUNION: We celebrate communion, also referenced as “the Lord’s Supper” on the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month.  If you would like to attend communion, please call ahead of time to talk to pastor and establish common confession of faith and view of communion.
  • BAPTISM: We believe baptism is a special sacrament where the Holy Spirit works faith in a persons heart. Baptism’s are scheduled after a conversations with Pastor, as desired by an individual. We baptize from infant to adult. We do not believe in the need to rebaptize once baptized.
  • OFFERING: Since COVID, we do not collect offering during service, rather we have a plate by the worship entry for people to give as they desire.
  • MORE INFO:  Stop at the Welcome Center in the entryway to find information on the church, events and resources.  For more information about what we believe or other questions, please speak to Pastor Mike.

Our desire at Crosspoint is that people would feel welcome, safe, accepted, loved. We believe that people need to feel comfortable to show up how they are, where they are, and that it is perfect. We are all at different places in our faith journey. We want to love people where they are. This culture is one where people are committed to growing in their relationship with God to know Him better and experience God’s love, grace and forgiveness. In addition, people practice their faith through personal transformation in how they see people (through God’s eyes vs human eyes that can judge) and then seek to selflessly serve, being God’s hands and feet. In a culture like this people get to experience and feel God’s love and grace, as their lives are transformed through God’s love personally which changes the way we live and see people. This is represented in our 4 pillars to

  • CONNECT – be part of a community that encourages, equips and support one another in life’s journey
  • GROW – committed to regular worship and bible study to transform and renew our minds to better see, understand and live God’s way
  • SERVE – Use our gifts and talents to live life to God’s glory (serving in church and in the community)
  • SHARE – Mission to: live with purpose and go with passion – which is all about sharing God’s love and grace and gift

We desire that every ministry partner is committed to:
• daily growth in God’s Word
• Weekly gathering to Worship God
• Weekly fellowship to encourage and pray for one another
• See people through God’s eyes
• Heart & grace centered
• Know & live their unique calling and gifts
• Put faith into action through active service

We know the world needs Jesus. In a culture that is exponentially moving away from church and a faith (;) Satan is effectively luring people away through creating reasons to be disgruntled with church, busy with life, enamored with reason/man’s science and disconnected from God. The world is fallen, and sin has an impact of pain, brokenness, and darkness. People need God’s light and hope. While the church is full of broken people struggling with life, we all are children of God: forgiven, loved and redeemed. Our mission is to share this message of grace and redemption with the world. It offers HOPE and LIGHT, ENCOURAGMENT and WISDOM when life seems complex and hopeless. God will always win and desires us to SEEK Him, KNOW Him and FOLLOW Him.

Our desire, every partner in ministry:
• is on this mission
• has a heart for the world to know Jesus
• cares about people first
• committed to growing in faith, to transform their own heart & mind
• active part of the body/ministry
• see, serve & love people
• urgency to share Jesus with people


our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion