R3 Logo Crosspoint Church in Georgetown, TX


R3 Project: Revive, Renew, and Relaunch
R3 Purpose: Create a Sustainable Church for the Future.
R3 Approach: Update the current ministry approach, setting and culture to share God’s life changing message in a real, relevant, and rejuvenating way. Sharing hope and encouragement for the challenges of today and tomorrow. 

Project History:
In Jan 2021, a group of about 25 Cross and Crown members gathered to explore how to better reach and connect with our community. We began a process with a group call Unstuck (book). The book had us take an assessment to assess our church “stage and health” from start up to a dying church. Different attributes are signs of where a church is at in its life cycle. Depending where a church is, there are tough decisions and actions that ben be taken to move back to a relaunch stage of ministry that supported a mission discipleship mindset. The process helped us to solidify a better vision for “church of the future” while there were many things we all valued about “the church of the past”. We determined there were 3 unchanging constants for us: God’s Inherit Word found in the Bible, Lutheran Confessions, and WELS partnership. We want to be intentional about being a place where people of all ages can ask questions and find God’s grace, love and truth in a relevant way. We know this shift requires physical and cultural changes.


In the summer of 2021 we started updating our facility to help support and match this mission. Summer/Fall 2021 focused on the kids space. Winter 2021/2022 is focusing on the rest of the facility. With the help of the kingdom workers retired volunteer team Jan – Feb 2022 is set to be a time of transformation for the sanctuary (worship space), narthex (entry) and outdoor community space. There is much work to be done but we are prayerful God will guide and direct the efforts to glorify Him and reach hearts to experience his grace.

Goals Crosspoint Church in Georgetown, TX


R3 Goal #1 – INTERIOR UPDATES – Sanctuary, Entry, Bathrooms

R3 Goal #2 – KIDS UPDATES – Kids Church Rooms & Playground

R3 Goal #3 – FRONT PATIO – Outdoor Fellowship/ Social Space

R3 Goal #4 – GARAGE – Third Place / Community Gathering

R3 Goal #5 – MAINTAINANCE – Parking Lot, Roof, Gutters

R3 Goal #6 – MINDSET – Internal Culture & Community

R3 Goal #7 – MINISTRY – External Mission & Great Commission (future family life center)


As the facility developments come into place, ongoing culture and mindset shifts are important to help shape a mission and discipleship mindset. If you are embarking on this journey with us, consider reading (if you do not have a copy and need help getting one please ask Pastor).


  A summary of “I am a Church Member” by Thom S Rainer

  Book: The Emotionally Healthy Church by Peter Scazzero


This project is a congregation project. First developed by the larger “unstuck” group of members and attenders. As concepts transitioned into a formal project, the name of this effort shifted to R3 (Revive, Renew, and Relaunch). A coordinating team was put into place, which began meeting weekly starting in Aug 2021. Volunteers support the project during scheduled workdays (2nd Sat of the month) and as they sign up for specific tasks. Project coordinators include:


  Pastor Mike Geiger:  On-site support and Overall Project Plan/Project Details

  Christy Geiger: Overall Project Plan/Project Design

  Nadine Schulz: Support Overall Project Plan /Project Design

  Jim Henkel & Tim Schulz: Technical/Platform/Sound/Electric Details

  Mike Denton: CC Building Chairman & Construction/Building Details (Professional PM)

  All members and attenders of Cross and Crown willing to serve and help


This project is large in scale and has been assessed and broken into project phases


  PHASE 1: Aug 2021-March 2021 (what is outlined above)

  PHASE 2: March 2023-Aug 2022 (additional entrance to building

      by bathrooms, finishing front patio, updated branding and name,

      intentional outreach and community events / development)

  PHASE 3: Sept 2022-2025 (expanded outreach into community,

     expansion on community space to create a community

     gathering place)

  PHASE 4: (2025): family life center and possible school


This project has a budget of $150K for phase 1. Additional dollars are needed for future phases. We have a matching fund opportunity for current gifts and every donation is matched $1 given; $1 matched. Volunteer hours to support projects, research or volunteer to provide or serve lunch for workers is also helpful. In Jan/Feb 2022 we will have a group of volunteers from Kingdom Workers come to help for 6 weeks to expedite the unfinished projects.


  To give to this project, please donate here (Ministry Expansion Fund:

     R3 Projects – Gifts matched 1 for 1 up to $35,000)



(May ‘21-March ‘22)

(March ‘22-Aug ‘22)

(Sept ‘22-2025)

(future – 2025?)


Update Worship space, Entry, Bathrooms and kitchen

add exterior door by the bathrooms

Build at Family life center with preschool or school


Kids Church Rooms & Playground


Concrete and development of front Outdoor Fellowship/ Social Space

#4 – GARAGE – Community Gathering

firepit, pergola structures, outdoor area


Parking Lot, Roof & Trim,


#6 – MINDSET – Internal Culture & Community

  internal processes and culture development

#7 – MINISTRY – External Mission & Great Commission

  Rebrand to Crosspoint

  Start community events and outreach

PHASE 1 – Expanded Details Include:

Phase1 Pic1 Crosspoint Church in Georgetown, TX
Phase1 Pic2 Crosspoint Church in Georgetown, TX


Sanctuary, Entry, Bathrooms

Create a warmer and modern feel in the worship and entry areas. We desire a relaxed and inviting feeling of comfort and home when walking in. Update plans include:


Altar/Up Front  

• Lighting & sound wiring

• Larger platform with steps in front

• Shiplap wall behind cross

• Backlight & darken cross

• Update altar, podium & baptism font

• Darker paint on side angle walls


Throughout Worship Area

• Remove carpet

• Stain & seal concrete

• Add sound panels

• Paint throughout

• Remove pews; put in chairs

• Possible update lights (paint over gold)

• Gold oak trim stained dark or painted white


Entry Areas/Bathroom

• Doors and trim stained dark

• Remove carpet and put in wood plank

• Update bathroom (paint & stalls)

• Add entry door by the bathrooms



Kids Church Rooms & Playground
Mostly completed in July/Aug 2021! The vision for this area is to create a more dedicated kids space vs. a fellowship space where kids sat at 8ft tables and in metal chairs. The space was converted to allow for a kid friendly and inviting area.

• Kids Church stage
• Gr 3-5 Big kids area w/ shelf
• Clean-up/update 2-5y/o & Gr K-2 rooms
• Rugs
• Wall activities
• Welcome kids’ signs
• Tot play yard
• Replace older wood swing set
• Add kids free play activities


• Big Kids Swing set (installed Dec. ’21)
• Outside big kid climber
• Parent info board w/ TV


The kids are so excited and enjoying the space already! It is a great example of how the space can be warmed up, more inviting and modernized to connect with people today!


R3 Goal #3 – FRONT PATIO


Outdoor Fellowship/ Social Space
Since the kitchen and original fellowship space was converted to be Kids Space, an open area for adult fellowship is needed. Given that we are in Texas and people love outdoor restaurants and breweries, an outdoor patio is a great way to expand our space without the extreme cost of building expansion. This adds a great invitational look from the road as people drive by. The patio is a great place for fellowship pre & post worship as well as other events. A key step is figuring out permitting from the city that allows for water runoff pervious surface and is approved by an engineer. Note: given the cost we have let go of a covered patio concept

Outdoor Patio Concepts:
• Size: 40×30 between the bathrooms & front door
• Potted plants
• Tables with yellow umbrellas
• Add a 2nd door by the bathrooms for second entrance


R3 Goal #4 – GARAGE

Third Place / Community Gathering
The garage was finished on the inside as a youth space that has also become a great Bible Study area on Wed. PM. It is relaxing for fellowship and hanging out inside and we want to develop the outside space around it as well. People don’t care what you know until they know how much you care. Connecting with the community and providing a welcoming and safe place (outside the sanctuary) to gather, relax and connect is important. The idea with “The Third Place” is a place after home & work to hang out. In the future we would like to develop this area to have food trucks that come in, the picnic tables, outdoor games, kids space, garden areas, firepit area and more. This is intended to be a free place where the community can come and connect. While our desire is to share God’s love, grace and saving truth, this space is to get to know people, care about them and connect.


Initial Space
• Concrete & crushed granite area for picnic tables around the garage
• tarp or carport coverings
• 2 firepit areas with swings
• Garden boxes for community gardening
• Outdoor activities (corn hole, Jenga)
• Possible outdoor mini golf
• Future concepts continue to build on these areas


Parking Lot, Roof, Gutters
There are a few major projects that are important for the upkeep of our facility. These make a difference in the facility health and sustainability (preventing future damage). They can be costly and are important to stay on top of


Maintenance Projects
• Drywall Library walls where there was a water leak in the winter freeze ’21 & repaint
• Resurface parking lot & stripe (DONE)
• Re-shingle roof (warrantee expired and good amount of wind damage)
• Add gutters (helps to protect foundation)


If other building repairs are noticed or needed, please see Building Leadership Member, Mike Denton


R3 Goal #6 – MINDSET

Internal Culture & Community

The “culture” of an organization says a lot about the organization. How it FEELS to be part of the group and what is important to the group. In this community we desire people feel welcome, safe, accepted, loved. We believe that people need to feel comfortable to show up how they are, where they are, and that it is perfect. We are all at different places in our faith journey. We want to love people where they are. This culture is one where people are committed to growing in their relationship with God to know Him better and experience God’s love, grace and forgiveness. In addition, people practice their faith through personal transformation in how they see people (through God’s eyes vs human eyes that can judge) and then seek to selflessly serve, being God’s hands and feet. In a culture like this people get to experience and feel God’s love and grace, as their lives are transformed through God’s love personally which changes the way we live and see people.


We desire that every ministry partner is committed to:
• daily growth in God’s Word
• Weekly gathering to Worship God
• Weekly fellowship to encourage and pray for one another
• See people through God’s eyes
• Heart & grace centered
• Know & live their unique calling and gifts
• Put faith into action through active service


R3 Goal #7 – MINISTRY

External Mission & Great Commission
Last but not least, really the MOST IMPORTANT. This is the WHY we are doing any of this – it is the SO WHAT, NOW WHAT factor. We know the world needs Jesus. In a culture that is exponentially moving away from church and a faith (;) Satan is effectively luring people away through creating reasons to be disgruntled with church, busy with life, enamored with reason/man’s science and disconnected from God. The world is fallen, and sin has an impact of pain, brokenness, and darkness. People need God’s light and hope. While the church is full of broken people struggling with life, we all are children of God: forgiven, loved and redeemed. Our mission is to share this message of grace and redemption with the world. It offers HOPE and LIGHT, ENCOURAGMENT and WISDOM when life seems complex and hopeless. God will always win and desires us to SEEK Him, KNOW Him and FOLLOW Him.


Our desire, every partner in ministry:
• is on this mission
• has a heart for the world to know Jesus
• cares about people first
• committed to growing in faith, to transform their own heart & mind
• active part of the body/ministry
• see, serve & love people
• urgency to share Jesus with people


CURRENT: PHASE 2 (March 2022-Sept 2022)

identity shift (Cross and Crown to Crosspoint)

  internal processes and culture development

  ongoing physical changes of the space: developing the outdoor spaces (in front of church and by the garage)

  develop the community space and events

Identity Logo Crosspoint Church in Georgetown, TX



Spring 2022…
We are in the process of shifting our church identity….

from Cross and Crown to CROSSPOINT



Our desire is to relaunch into the community in a relevant, approachable, and simple way. We want to communicate a heart-centered, contemporary / modern, casual, relational, simple but meaningful, family-friendly vibe to better reach all ages of our local community with the love of Jesus.


What does CROSSPOINT mean?
A Crosspoint is the intersection of something … We believe Jesus is at the intersection of everything important in life.

Our vision is to be a place where faith and life intersect – a place where people in the middle of life can come to see how connection to Jesus affects the meaning, purpose, and essence of life.


Our desire is that Crosspoint is a place to come as you are (wherever you are in life’s journey) with a curiosity about God, a desire to know God and an openness to explore faith and its impact on life.

Crosspoint is a place to connect with others (CONNECT), grow in faith (GROW), serve with purpose (SERVE) and share generously with other (SHARE).

Our mission is to “Grow with purpose and go with passion.” We believe this happens as we grow in relationship with God and his Word and are actively connected to a grace-filled community. Our theme passage is “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18

We desire to see others through God’s eyes help one another find healing and new ways of perceiving and handling life’s challenges – while finding greater joy, gratitude and peace every day. We want to live in relationship with others who extend love, grace, and compassion.


We pray God’s Spirit helps people to:
  feel comfortable. Show up, be welcomed and belong – to ask questions; grow in faith.
  experience transformation. See themselves in the bigger picture of God’s love and purpose for them.
  live on mission for the Lord. Impact others with your gifts and talents


What does the logo mean?
compass … provide direction for life
scope … provide focus for life
circle & arrows .. provide process to grow through life
cross.. central to life


Join us at Crosspoint… a place to connect, grow and find relationships … on the journey of faith and life!


Thank you for your interest to read what is happening and any ways you consider supporting! Blessings!