MOVIE NIGHT Fri. July 26 Backyard Opens with Games & Food Truck 6PM | Outdoor Movie at ~8:30PM
The Outdoor Movie Night Is On for tonight! Come at 6 for dinner ($ for food truck) (bring chairs for the movie)

Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

Who? Me?

This week’s devotions are based on this week’s message: Everyone Outreach!  (WATCH HERE)

Who me?

This past weekend our congregation was blessed to have Pastor Eric Roecker lead us in a workshop called Everyone Outreach.  The goal of the weekend, which I believe was certainly achieved, was to help every participant realize the privilege and opportunities we have to connect people to or directly share the love of Jesus with people.  

The weekend was very personal as we were challenged to consider our personal role and opportunity to bring Jesus to people, evaluate our paradigms of our fears or resistant to change, and form personal “I will” statements that, with God’s help, we take a step to be better at and be more intentional about sharing Jesus with people. 

But that means I have to see myself as part of the mission team.

A common thought for those of us who are part of the church is, “That’s the pastor’s job” or “My church does outreach.”  Unfortunately, I/we often deflect the sharing of Jesus to someone else or to our church.  But here’s the reality.  When more of us are being intentional about sharing Jesus, the more people get to hear about Jesus.  If just one or a few people are working at it, fewer bridges are built to the hearts of people who need Jesus.  But we all can and get to be part of it.

Here’s one small verse from Acts 8:4

4 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.

What happened in the early church is persecution arose around the city of Jerusalem.  For their own safety, many Christians left the area.  But they didn’t leave their Savior.  Wherever they went, they talked about Jesus.  The scattering could have been seen as sign to be quiet, but rather it was the opportunity to meet more people and connect more people to Jesus.  Satan thought he was putting the lid on Christianity, but rather his persecution was causing the explosion of Christianity in the areas around Jerusalem.

What was fun to see in our workshop is individuals beginning to think of little ways they could share Jesus in their areas.  One gentleman, who helps with our church outreach events, quipped, “I helped all day, but didn’t have one conversation about faith. Perhaps I could bring it up with the parents as they wait for their kids in the bounce house.”  

Wherever we are, we can have opportunities to share our faith.

It got me thinking…even I can sometimes carry the mindset that someone else will do it.  I’m the pastor, so I just need to focus on getting a sermon together and helping others talk about their faith.  Nope.  God has called me to find opportunities to build bridges to people and from people to Jesus.

So perhaps this morning and this week, I invite you to consider the opportunities that God has put around you and ask, “What one small thing could I do that could build a bridge to someone who needs Jesus and what is one small thing I could do to help build a bridge from that person to Jesus?”

Together, God can use all of us to reach others.


Apply: What is one small thing you can do today to connect someone to Jesus?

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for the opportunity to be part of your kingdom and part of your kingdom work.  Forgive us for the times we deflected the opportunity to share you.  Give us courage to work and witness for you!  AMEN.

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion