Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

Who is your real enemy?

This week’s devotions are based on Week 10 of the Series Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are (CLICK HERE)

Do you realize how many spiritual battles we face every day?

Preaching on the topic this past weekend has made me more aware how many interactions each day are a spiritual battle.  However, I often miss what it really is and start fighting the wrong thing.

Here’s an example…a little transparency with you this morning! 

I spent time entering transactions and updating our financial expenditures for the past month and found myself frustrated that we spent as much as we did.  I felt myself getting upset at my family for spending on things that seemed unnecessary, car A/C repair that was needed, and upset in general at our government for allowing inflation to make energy more expensive and every trip to the grocery store north of $50 or more.  I made my family, the car manufacturer, and our government my enemy in a short period of time.  As a result it was their fault and they were the ones that were responsible for my frustration.

But were they?  Perhaps on the surface I can make a case they were and if their behaviors would change, my emotions and feelings would change.  But…the situation was far less about all of them than it was about me.  What was going on wasn’t just a practical dialogue about what our monthly budget should be, it was an internal struggle that was challenging my contentment, led me to battle greed, made me aware again of basing my mood on financial issues, and much more.  At the heart of the battle was Satan working to lead me away from the love and promises of God, the family I treasure, and the country I am blessed to live in.

Of course it was. 

As Paul wrote to remind me and you: Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Are you fighting the right enemy?

How many times have you fought a person instead of Satan’s influence in your heart and soul?

How many times have you blamed God for what Satan is really causing?

How many times have you created unrest in your relationships because you started fighting a person instead of the root of all lies and evil?

All too often.

We will get to the weapons tomorrow…but for today remember this.

Satan and his influence is all around us.  It may not always manifest in an obvious way, but we can notice when he is at work when our emotions are one of fear, discontent, anger and the result in our relationships are division and discord.  If these things are happening, we are fighting the wrong enemy and losing the battle.  We are fighting evil and darkness in our own hearts and in the hearts of people around us.  We are living with the reality of evil and darkness around us which can lead us to despair and live in unrest.

God wants us to recognize our real enemy.  For when we are aware of who the real enemy is and his tactics, we will be better able to use the armor God gives us to win the victory each and every day.


Apply: Reflect on the past 24 hours.  What situations did you miss seeing who the enemy was and begin to fight against flesh and blood and miss the reality of Satan and the evil and darkness he was bringing into your heart and life?

Prayer: Lord, let your light shine through the darkness.  Let your power overcome evil and let my discernment always see life through the lens of spiritual warfare.  With your power, promises, and truth, let me win the victory each and every day.  AMEN.

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