MOVIE NIGHT Fri. July 26 Backyard Opens with Games & Food Truck 6PM | Outdoor Movie at ~8:30PM
The Outdoor Movie Night Is On for tonight! Come at 6 for dinner ($ for food truck) (bring chairs for the movie)

Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

What are you pursuing?

This week’s devotions are based on “The Key” Week 6: “Pursue Your Future with Grace!” (WATCH HERE)

“I’m in hot pursuit!”

I remember these words from Sheriff Roscoe P. Coletrane in every episode of the Dukes of Hazard.  The Duke boys inevitable were in trouble with the law “since the day they were born” and whether they actually did anything wrong or they were framed on drummed up charges, Boss Hog and his Sheriff Roscoe were bound and determined to catch the Duke Boys.  When they had the chance…they were in “HOT PURSUIT!”

When you pursue something you make it a priority and give it your best effort to obtain it.  One may pursue a degree.  One may pursue a boyfriend or girlfriend for marriage.  Another may pursue a destination vacation.

We can pursue a lot of things in life and it will consume much of our attention and energy.

The interesting thing about Roscoe’s pursuit of the Duke Boys…it usually ended in vain.  The Duke Boys would get away, escape from jail, and the pursuit would continue.  I give Roscoe credit for being persistent!

Many things we pursue in life are elusive.  And even if we think we finally achieved them, we realize they get away from us and the pursuit is never over.

So what really are meaningful pursuits in life that will really make a difference in life and for that matter in eternity?

Paul writes to TImothy in 1 Timothy 6:11, “But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.” 

What Timothy was fleeing FROM were the traps of wealth and the pursuit of wealth that was leading many away from their Savior and into the temptations and traps of Satan.  Rather, Timothy was to pursue the six things Paul mentions (which we will cover in our devotions this week).

But is this pursuit going to be worth it?  Paul is real and knows it will be a battle, “12 Fight the good fight of the faith.” To be in “hot pursuit” of these things of God is not going to be easy.  However, you pursue something you perceive is going to be of great value to you.  Will pursuing these six things make a big difference?  Paul continues, “Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” The pursuit of the Christian is not couple of elusive boys from the hills of Tennessee, but rather the pursuit of the Christian is to take hold of the blessing of eternal life.  This is an end that will not escape or get away.  When Jesus, appears in glory, he will share this gift of grace to all who have fled the temptations of the world and pursued him!


Apply: Evaluate what you are pursuing?  Do they match Paul’s list?  What changes need to be made in what you are pursing.  What happens when your heart and life let go of worldly pursuits and pursue God?


Prayer: Lord thank you for your love and grace the is so amazing that I desire each and every day livin i

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion