MOVIE NIGHT Fri. July 26 Backyard Opens with Games & Food Truck 6PM | Outdoor Movie at ~8:30PM
The Outdoor Movie Night Is On for tonight! Come at 6 for dinner ($ for food truck) (bring chairs for the movie)

Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

Prayers for Easter…

To all our devotion readers,

May I ask a favor to spend your devotion time in prayer for our Easter outreach ministry, Easter Eggstravaganza happening tomorrow, March 23?  Last year we had over 900 people and this year we are planning for over 1000, including 600 kids.  While the event is a bridge building event to connect our community to our ministry, we are fervently praying that the Lord would use the event to bring further Gospel ministry opportunities to our congregation and the expansion of the kingdom.  We also have been blessed with dedicated volunteers from our small congregation, kids from the local high school and four college students from our WELS college ministry at the University of Eau Claire in Wisconsin.  Together we are serving to bring this event to our community.

So will you pray with us?

  • Ask the Lord for his Spirit to work conversations and connections at the event for the advancement of the Gospel in the hearts of people.
  • Ask the Lord to move individuals to seek deeper connection with him through the Gospel ministry of Crosspoint.
  • Protect all participants from any harm or danger.
  • Give strength and health to all who are volunteering.
  • Curtail any evil or anyone wishing evil at or on the event.
  • That people would find more than eggs, but find a connection to their Savior.
  • That the hundreds of invitations to Easter would be received and individuals attend worship on Easter Sunday.
  • Gratitude for the many dollars that have been contributed
  • Gratefulness for dedicated volunteers and willingness to serve.
  • Thankfulness for our four mission team members from Wisconsin who came to serve the Lord on their spring break.
  • Ask the Lord to bless the event as he sees fit…opening doors he wants open and closing the ones he wants closed.
  • Any other prayer the Lord prompts you to pray!

Lord, thank you for all your faithful people who are praying today.  Hear their prayers as ones redeemed by Christ and purified by your Spirit.  We anticipate your blessing in many ways, ones maybe we expect and ones we didn’t.  For each, we are grateful! AMEN.

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion