Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

Lessons from Legos – Part 5

This week’s devotions are based on “We’re in this Together!” (WATCH HERE)

1 Corinthians 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 

We started this week with the somewhat silly statement, “You don’t have to be part of a Lego kit to be a Lego.”  At its base premise, a Lego is a Lego regardless of its participation in a Lego kit or project.  However, the purpose of the creation of a Lego brick would be grossly missed and the purpose of that brick never fully realized if it never was used in the kit or creation for which it was made.

As we end this week reflecting on Legos and the body of Christ, my prayer is that when we change the word “Lego” to “Christian” we realize that we too miss out on the blessing and purpose of being a Christian if we isolate ourselves from other Christians and do not participate in the work of the Body of Christ.  Do you have to be part of a Christian church to be a Christian?  By strict definition, “No.”  Yet, just as a Lego will never realize the blessing and purpose of being a Lego if isolated, so a Christian will miss out on a great blessing the Lord has given to him or her if one remains on the sidelines.  You were created in Christ for good works he also has prepared for you and some of those good works are ones you are equipped and gifted to do with other Christians as part of a local manifestation of the Body of Christ.

EACH one of you is part of the Body of Christ.  No exceptions.  No excuses.

This isn’t a club over the head, but a loving encouragement and I really don’t know how to say it without a level of directness that just wants every person to be an active member of the Body of Christ and see what God can do when EVERY one of his children combines their gifts with others to bring the Gospel to the world.

Collectively we have been given the privilege to be part of the Lord’s work.  He gives us individual opportunities, but has always been a group activity too.  Sometimes the church is like a football game.  22 participants and thousands of spectators.  That is an exaggeration, but what would the impact be for the Gospel when EVERY one of you saw your special gifting and the reality that God has put you in a place to join with other Christians to grow and spread the Gospel in your community?  It’s easy to let work, sports, hobbies, life, etc. take the priority.  So hear is my challenge to each of us.

Don’t be an isolated Lego piece.  Don’t be an isolated Christian.

You have been created in Christ to be not only heirs of heaven, but active participants in the Body of Christ.  If these devotions encourage one reader to become an active participant in the Body of Christ, I praise God for that.

YOU ARE the Body of Christ and EACH ONE of you is part of it!

Enjoy all the blessings of being a unique, gifted, loved part of the Body of Christ!


Apply: If you have been active part of the body of Christ, what have been the blessings you experienced?  If you have been sitting on the sidelines, what is one way you can offer your gifts to the Gospel ministry of your local church?

Prayer: Lord, thank you for making me  your child and putting me in the Body of Christ.  Forgive me for my apathy and sitting on the sidelines.  Empower me by your Spirit to use the gifts you have given me to make an impact for your Gospel message in my community.  AMEN.

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion