MOVIE NIGHT Fri. July 26 Backyard Opens with Games & Food Truck 6PM | Outdoor Movie at ~8:30PM
The Outdoor Movie Night Is On for tonight! Come at 6 for dinner ($ for food truck) (bring chairs for the movie)

Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

It’s not easy to share!

Share what you learn

This week’s devotions are based on Week 5 of “I Love My Church…Love by Sharing!” (WATCH HERE)

Philippians 1:7 It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me.

You have to learn to share!

Growing up we are naturally very good at keeping things to ourselves.  We love to have a fist that is clenched on a toy and when a sibling or friend tries to take it we yell, “No! Mine!” 

Have you ever wondered where this comes from?  It certainly screams evidence of a sinful, selfish nature that loves to keep things for myself.  Perhaps secular psychologists might say it is the survival instinct that leads us to keep for ourselves what we feel is important to our survival.  We fear not having enough.

The point is this.  We need to learn to share.  It doesn’t come naturally.

But I’m not just talking about material things, but the thing that matters most:


That shouldn’t be hard to share, should it?

But kind of it is.  We LOVE that Jesus has come to us and WE have the personal assurance of forgiveness.  We are the recipients of God’s grace and we have the hope and promise of eternal life.

That shouldn’t be hard to share, should it?

But it is.

Why is sharing Jesus hard for you?

Here’s some things that make it hard for me…yes, even as a pastor, I have struggles.  So I’m continuing to learn and grow to share myself.

Fear is always a component.  Fear of how a person will react.  Fear of an objection they may raise.  Fear that the person would be offended.  Fear of saying the wrong thing.  What fears do you have?

Laziness creeps in easily.  I have better things to do.  I don’t have time for an involved conversation.  I don’t want to take the time to build a relationship with an unbeliever, it’s a lot of work and who knows if it will matter anyway.

Apathy keeps me sidelined.  The person won’t listen anyway.  Will Jesus really make a difference in their life?  They are so opposed to Christianity, I don’t think it will matter at all.  Perhaps apathy also shows up because I have been a Christian all my life and the impact is not “felt” as much as one who comes to know Jesus later in life.  It maybe isn’t all that exciting at times.

No unChristians in my circle of relationships. Statistically, when a person comes to know Jesus within 2-3 years their relationships change to believers.  What about over 50 years…it takes intentional effort to build a relationship with an unchurched/unbelieving person.  That, honestly, is not always easy.

There are lots of excuses I can come up with for not sharing Jesus and just keeping him to myself.  I repent of them.  All of them are just as ridiculous as a 2-year old holding a toy and screaming, “Mine!”  So forgive me Jesus for just keeping you to myself and Spirit of God overcome my fear, laziness, and apathy and restore in me the joy of God’s salvation and the desire to share it anytime I can.  


Apply: Who do you know needs Jesus?  Pray for an opportunity to share with them.  If you don’t know anyone, simply pray for an opportunity today to share your faith with someone else.

Prayer: Lord forgive me when I make excuses for not sharing your love and grace.  Fill and empower me with your grace so my fists open and my heart and lips are excited and ready to share you love with someone today!  AMEN.

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion