MOVIE NIGHT Fri. July 26 Backyard Opens with Games & Food Truck 6PM | Outdoor Movie at ~8:30PM
The Outdoor Movie Night Is On for tonight! Come at 6 for dinner ($ for food truck) (bring chairs for the movie)

Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

How long should a gift last?

Devotions this week based on Sunday’s Message: LOVE is the Heart of Christmas! (LISTEN HERE)

So…have you found the perfect gift?

5 days until Christmas…no pressure!

It’s hard, right? To find the perfect gift?

Yet we are given some practical insights as we reflect on God’s Perfect Gift of love to us!  A perfect gift starts in the heart and the desire to express your love to a person in your life.  A perfect gift isn’t measured by how much it cost in monetary expense, it is measured by the effort you as an individual put into the gift to bless the other person.

Is there more?


Energizer professes to have a battery that makes toys go and go and go and go and go.  In fact a person who seems to have endless energy is sometimes called an “Energizer Bunny.”  It would be nice if all the gifts we receive had a lifetime of value and use.  But the reality is, some gifts will break on Christmas day.  Some gifts will wear out after a few uses.  Some gifts will be forgotten and sold at the next garage sale.  It’s hard to find a gift that keeps on giving…in a good way!

Yet, we don’t want to give a gift, or receive a gift that has a short shelf-life.  A perfect gift continues to add value to the recipient.  It has longevity.

Which makes God’s love the perfect gift.  

Even before Jesus was born, individuals recognized the value of God’s love is that it never quit, never gave up and never ran out.  The Psalmist said in Psalm 100:5, “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

His love endures forever…longer than the Energizer Bunny!

This truth is an amazing blessing to us of the gift of God’s love.  Why?  Because we need God’s love on an ongoing basis.  There isn’t a day we don’t need his love.  We need his forgiveness.  We need his presence.  We need his power.  We need all he is to fill us and our days…every day.

Imagine if God’s love had a limit.  What if his love would fail and break down?  What if his love gave up on us?

We’d be doomed to an eternity apart from him.

Which is why God’s love in Christ is so perfect.  It never fails.  Never gives up.  Never ends.

When the angel announced to Mary she was to be the mother of Jesus, here’s a part of what the angel said, “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.  The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end” (Luke 1:32-33).

His kingdom will never end.  His rule will never end.  His love will never end.

God’s love IS the perfect gift!

Apply: What changes for you if God’s love ran out?  What impact does it make knowing his love for you will never run out?

Prayer: Lord thank you for your love and mercy that are new every morning and never run out! AMEN!

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion