Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

Hope Comes when Someone Cares…Visibility!

Devotions this week based on the Message: “Hope Comes when Someone Cares”.

WATCH Full Sunday message

Take a moment to read this article entitled “Why You Need to Be Seen.”

This intriguing study points out that what matters more than being paid money for work being done is being acknowledged for the work they are doing.

True confession.  I can do better at this.

It’s so easy to work to enroll people to get a project done, but then fail to acknowledge and appreciate all the hard energy and effort and resources individuals contributed.  We just move on, asking, “What’s next?”  It happens at church as well.  We expect people to be involved and give of their time, energy and resources, but then don’t do well to acknowledge and thank them.  So, let me apologize for not acknowledging you, and say your gifts, your time, your contributions ARE appreciated!

Another reality…CoVID has given us an “excuse” to stay away from people.  We haven’t been able to see their mouth.  Our mask makes it easier to stay quiet and move on.  We walk by people and move into the store, through the aisles, past the cashier, and back out to our car.  We possibly walk past 10-20 people or more…but not one acknowledgement that any of them are there.

True confession.  I can do better at this.

People want to be seen.  We all want to be seen.  We want to be acknowledged for who we are…or perhaps just acknowledged that we exist!  A simple “Hello,” smile or “Good morning” can go along way to say, “I see you and you matter in this moment.”

We can all do better.

So why don’t we?  It’s easy to get busy, be self-focused, or just so intent on getting the task done, that we fail to see the “human” side of people and just go through life as if they are part of the machine called life.  Perhaps this isn’t your challenge, but I know we all need forgiveness for at some point or another failing just to “see” people and acknowledge them.

We have one who does…who forgives us, acknowledges us, and knows us.


John 10:14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also.

Each of us matter to Jesus.  He knows us – not just as a number or a cog in the wheel called life, but a person whom he loves and for whom he laid down his life.  He also acknowledges those not yet part of his family…those are important to.

Some days it seems like no one sees us.  Remember Jesus sees you and loves you dearly.

Some days Jesus may put a person in your life for you to “see” and let them know they matter…today might be the day.

Apply: Take time today to engage someone you don’t know with a “Hello,” “Good morning” or word of appreciation for what they are doing that is a blessing to you and the community around you.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the way you know us and see us.  You know us personally and love us enough to lay down your life for us.  Help us to “see” the people around us the same way you do, as people who matter.  AMEN.



our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion