Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

Gifts from your Father…the Gift of Presence!

This week’s devotions are based on “Gifts from Our Father!” (WATCH HERE)

In my almost 20 years of parenting career, I can’t count how many times I have heard the call, “Dad!”  In the early years it wasn’t articulated, but just a cry said the same thing.  Sometimes the word “Dad” was followed by phrases such as…

  • “Where are you?”
  • “Can you fix my bike?”
  • “Do you know where my water bottle is?”
  • “I forgot my lunch.”

And the list goes on.

These requests of Dad are for help.  From the simple and mundane to perhaps the more troubling or complex.  A child loves to know Dad is close by to help.

The gift of presence is also being there for important events.

  • “Dad, are you coming to my game?”
  • “Dad, are you able to come to the awards night?”
  • “Dad, did you see me make that shot?”

We want our Dad there when the event is important to us and we want him to notice and affirm the activity that takes place.

To be sure, I am not minimizing moms who are there and present, perhaps often more than dads are.  But the gift of presence is an important gift to give our children.

At the baptism of Jesus, the Father in heaven was not going to miss it.  He wanted Jesus to know he was there as well as he wanted those around the event to know he was there.  Perhaps one might not think it was a big deal, but if you wanted validity to what you were doing and credibility to who you are, having your Father in heaven be there to give both is a wonderful gift. 

The amazing thing is our heavenly Father gives us the give of presence in our lives.  We maybe wish at times he were visible or his voice was audible, but his presence is real.  He promised to the people of Israel through Moses, 

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Having Dad there when you are doing something hard or scary for the first time brings peace and strength.  The Lord was promising his people that as they went into the land of Canaan and faced the opposition, he would be with them.  There would never be a time when he was not present.

This gift of our Father’s presence is a wonderful gift to us Dads.  We can be somewhat independent and feel like we have to carry the burdens of our family and situations.  Maybe we forget that our heavenly Father is present for us to talk to, to unload our burdens, to walk with us through uncertain times, or to give us wisdom and guidance when we need it (and when we don’t think we need it!).  He is there for all events of our life and knows what we need and when we need it.  He loves to be with us, bless us and guide us through life.

Dads, don’t forget this amazing gift of your heavenly Father’s presence.

Don’t forget either that you now have the opportunity to extend this gift to your family.  Work is important.  Hobbies can be fun, but remember your children, your spouse, your family sometimes just needs you to be present with them in the quiet times and in the important times.


Apply: What might be one way you can be more present with your children/grand children this week and let them know that you are there to be with them, encourage them, and support them.

Prayer: Father in heaven, thank you for being present in my life in all times and all circumstances.  Help me be a dad who readily gives the gift of presence for my children and spouse.  AMEN.

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