Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

Fly the Kite…expect more than you can imagine!

(This week’s devotions are based on Sunday’s message: Win the Day…Fly the Kite – LISTEN HERE)

Did Homan Walsh think he would be known as the boy who bridged two countries?  Probably not.  A 16-year old and a kite and long string and desire to win became the start of what would facilitate hundreds of thousands of people and goods crossing between the United States and Canada for years to come.  If one interviewed Homan at the end of his life in 1899, I wonder if he would have said, “I never would have imagined what happened as a result of flying my kite on that cold January day.”

How much greater is the way that God works. 

The Apostle Paul marveled and praised the Lord: (Ephesians 3:20) Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. 

Paul had his own life to marvel at as God took a prosecutor of Christians to become one of the most prominent proclaimers of the Gospel.  “I would never have imagined God could use me to bring salvation to so many souls.”

The disciples had different and varied backgrounds who became fishers of men for the sake of Christ.  “I would never have imagined that God could take my experiences and let them impact others for the strengthening of their faith.”

Christians went through persecutions and hardships for their faith.  “I would never have imagined that God would build and strengthen and grow the number of believers because of the convictions of those being persecuted.”

A widow gave her last few cents to honor the Lord.  “I would never have imagined that the Lord would use my little gift to inspire the giving of many believers for years to come.”

Timothy had conversations with his mother and grandmother about the Scriptures and the Christian faith.  “I would never have imagined that simple conversations in my home about the Lord and about faith would prepare me to be a follower of and proclaimer of Jesus.”

The blind man who was healed by Jesus.  “I would never have imagined my blindness would turn into anything good, let alone an encounter with Jesus and experiencing his healing hand.”

What is your “I would never have imagined…” moment with the Lord?  Can you look back and see that God took a simple, routine, or mundane activity and turned it into something far greater than you could ask or imagine?  It may have not been what you expected, but it’s impact and importance were or are much bigger than your imagination?

God loves to do more than we can ask or imagine.  So grab a length of string, your kite and step to the edge of the bank of the river and fly your kite!

Apply: What is God calling me to step forward and do under the confidence in his power and certainty of his love?

Prayer: Lord thank you for being God and doing more than I could ask or imagine.  Help me to never limit you because of my limiting beliefs.  AMEN.

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion