Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

Christmas Drive Thru Event


Friday DECEMBER 22- HOT CHOCOLATE NIGHT!  FREE Hot Chocolate and popcorn from 6-9pm!

Come and See! We’d like to bring you the Christmas spirit in a simple, family-friend way. Bring your friends and family to our Drive-Thru Christmas Event. No registration or cost; it’s free!

If you’re out and looking at lights in Georgetown, stop by at Crosspoint’s “Christmas Story Drive Thru” Event. The event is all from your car! Circle the parking lot as you drive through the Christmas story looking at 26 picture banners telling the Christmas Story of Jesus’ birth. Recorded audio tour guides share the Christmas story from a first-hand perspective! This simple event is like a live children’s book, you can drive through and read a short story line on each banner or use the website and access an audio tour guide. (Audio guides include: The angel, Mary, Joseph, village girl or boy).  There is a star hidden in each story banner scene for children and adults to find. The star shape might be different colors, so sometimes challenging to find! Depending if you just drive thru or use a guide, expect to spend 5-20 minutes.

Don’t forget to take photos and share the event with others 🙂 Come once, then feel free to drive through again to listen to a different perspective!

The event is open daily from November 24-December 31 during daylight hours until 10 PM. 

Also, we invite you to join us for Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship at 7 PM in-person or online. Enjoy Christmas and reflect on the person impact of Jesus’ birth!

Location: Crosspoint Church, 3800 Shell Road, Georgetown, TX 78628

This reaction might be yours too!  “We just drove through your Christmas scene and I thought it was absolutely amazing!  I just loved it so much! … We had so much fun looking for the stars.  We were like little kids out there!  It was just great.  It was just beautiful.  God bless you all and thank you so much for doing that for the community.  That is just beautiful.  Merry Christmas to you!”

**** If you are at the event…CLICK HERE to get started! ***** 

While you are out… There are lots of great local lights in Georgetown. Drive through the Village, Berry Creek, Downtown Georgetown and more! Check out a great list here! (link)







our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion