At Crosspoint contemporary worship is a more informal and relaxed style of worship. We realize that people have different preferences to worship, so while we are ONE BODY, and worship ONE GOD, our worship style can be different.
Our version of contemporary worship connects people to God through a more current style of music and a more casual setting, while still maintaining a few liturgical elements. At the center of each worship style is the Gospel message of Jesus found in the Word of God.
Style: Relational, friendly & more casual
Music: Lead by a worship music video for consistent sound in person and online
Outline: Songs, Confession/Prayers, Song, Dismissal to Kids Church, Sermon, Communion*, Prayers, Closing Song, Announcements
*Communion: Communion is offered during the service on the FIRST and THIRD Sundays. If you are new to Crosspoint, please email or speak with Pastor before communing.