Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

Be ready for battle!

This week’s devotions are based on Week 10 of the Series Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are (CLICK HERE)

The annals of war history are littered with accounts of surprise attacks which found the opposing forces unaware.  The art of deception and surprise is still one of the key elements to winning a victory in battle.  From the Trojan Horse deception of the 12th century BC to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, military people have been caught by surprise and deceived by their enemy.  The result is usually catastrophic to the group that is being attacked.  So what is the answer?  Always be ready.

The US Coast Guard has adopted this slogan Semper Paratus to keep the mission of their men and women before them.  They do not desire to be caught by surprise or in a situation where they are unprepared.  To do this one must always be training and preparing so when the time comes, the readiness to confront whatever is moving against them is ready.

So what about you and spiritual warfare?
This week we finish our series from the book of Ephesians with the familiar “Armor of God” section of Ephesians (6:10-20).  As Paul lists various elements of the Roman soldier’s armor, it is couched under the theme, “Be ready.”

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Some commentators that write about the period between World War 1 and World War 2 speak of the west as having “willful ignorance” as to what Hitler was doing to rebuild the military strength of Germany as well as build the desire to take revenge on all those that stood against Germany in World War 1.  Underestimating the nature of Hitler, when he began to invade the surrounding countries, the European continent found themselves fighting from behind.

At times, this is our down fall with spiritual warfare.  We know of Ephesians 6.  We like the picture of the “armor of God.”  We like the idea of defeating Satan and standing our ground.  We believe God is stronger than Satan…but then we carry a mindset of this, “This will never happen to me.”  We fail to take time to study the tactics of our enemy.  We fail to recognize the weaknesses in our spiritual armor.  We get too busy to take time to train with the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God to fight against the lies, deceptions and tactics of Satan.  We can study the glorious truth of the Gospel, but fail to take seriously the tactics of Satan which God Adam and Eve in their perfection to bow to his temptations.

“Be Ready!” is not just a pithy statement for the Christian, it is a daily reality.  Satan and his influence in the world are bombarding us with threats to our faith and walk with Jesus.  We can not sit in our easy chair enjoying Scripture like Ephesians 6 and be thinking, “I’m glad that’s not happening to me.” or “I don’t think I’ll need that today.”  As soon as we have a spirit of complacency and apathy, the enemy will strike and we will find ourselves unprepared and defeated at worst or unprepared and scurrying to put on our armor and fight back and best.  This week my prayer is the message and the devotions will help us to be a little more prepared for the spiritual battle that is real every day.  Know your enemy…Know how your enemy fights…and put on the armor of God so you can win!


Apply: On a scale of 1 to 10, what awareness of spiritual warfare do you carry on a daily basis?  What changes when your awareness heightens?

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for your power and strength to overcome the attacks of Satan.  You have won the ultimate victory over sin, death and the devil.  You have promised your power and strength when the enemy attacks.  Let me not be complacent but always ready to face the onslaught of Satan to stand safely always in your grace.  AMEN.

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion