Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

Eat the Frog…Make it a Habit!

(This week’s devotions are based on Sunday’s message: Win the Day…Eat the Frog – LISTEN HERE)

Make it a habit.

What are your daily habits?  I’m not sure who to give credit to, but I have heard it said, “I can determine the future of a man by his daily habits.”  We may call them routines or daily tasks, but really they are habits…things we do without having to decide to do them.

Habits can either be positive that lead us to a greater goal or they can be negative that lead us to a less-than-desired outcome.

Perhaps a daily habit of exercise and taking vitamins gives you better and longer health.  Perhaps a daily habit of fast food and soda do just the opposite.

Habits can happen by default and once formed are hard to break…really hard.

But habits can help us make sure that the most important things are done each day.

Putting God first in your day is one of those habits.

An interesting case study is Daniel.

Daniel is probably best known for his trip into the lion’s den and how his life was preserved in that setting.  However, this wasn’t just a “flash” of Daniel’s faith brilliance.  Rather it was the result of a long-standing habit that actually was the reason Daniel faced the lions…he refused to break his habit.

What was that habit?

Daniel 6:10 Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. 

The decree that was issued was that everyone had to worship the king of Babylon and anyone caught not worshipping the king would face the lion’s den.  The king in his arrogance and pride signed the nefarious decree into law only to find out his favorite advisor was to be a victim of it.

Daniel’s opponents actually knew Daniel’s habits so well that they crafted the decree because they knew they would catch Daniel spending daily time with the Lord.

And they did.

Would people be able to convict you of being a follower of Christ by observing your habits?

Interesting question right?

The point isn’t to begin the day with guilt for not having a daily habit with the Lord, but rather to encourage you to start today.  Again the fact you are reading this says you may have that habit, so let this encourage you to keep it up.

Daily our faith is formed to be read to face the challenges ahead of us.  Daniel’s faith was formed and strengthened three times a day as he went to his room to pray.  So when he was faced with stopping his habit or stepping into the lion’s den, there was no hesitation…he continued his habit and faced the lions with calm confidence.

Let your habits of time with the Lord allow you to face your day with calm confidence.


Apply: Make a list of the habits you notice in your life.  Mark each one as beneficial or not beneficial.  Make sure your habits are taking you in a direction you are blessed by and certainly work to form a daily habit with the Lord.

Prayer: Lord thank you for being part of my day even when I don’t make you an intentional part of it.  I ask for the power of your Spirit to develop in me a habit of time with you.  AMEN.

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion