Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

You are a winner…Confident, but not Cocky!

(This morning’s devotion is based on the Easter message: Jesus Wins! (CLICK HERE)

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

This question is often asked in workshops or podcasts that are encouraging and supporting personal growth and setting goals.  Often times the greatest barrier to achieving a goal is the fear of failure.  The reason one doesn’t go back to school is a fear of failing the class.  The reason someone doesn’t invest in a property is because of the fear of the deal going bad.  A reason a boy doesn’t ask out a girl is because they are afraid of rejection.

What if you knew that you would not fail?  Would you go back to school?  Invest in the property? Ask that person out on a date?


Confidence does a lot to inspire action.  Confidence comes when you know that there is nothing that will prevent your success.  Confidence comes on the back of multiple successes in that arena.

Confidence is not cockiness.  Cockiness is an expression of the ego for the purpose of making someone else know you are better than them and usually has the intent of making them feel they will never be like you.

Confidence on the other hand, is something that inspires others to action.  Just look at a child move forward when mom or dad express confidence they can do what they were afraid of doing.  Confidence is willing to go along side someone so they can gain confidence as well.  Confidence comes alongside the fearful to remove the fear and instill confidence.

The resurrection doesn’t guarantee us that we will pass the class, make a profit on an investment, or have the girl or guy say “Yes” when we ask them out.  But the resurrection does give us confidence as we go through life that nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus.  The resurrection of Jesus prove that God’s plan of saving us was complete and accepted.  We have no fear to face death head on as it is an entry to eternity, not a separation from God’s love.  Look at the Apostle Paul’s confidence he has being connected to the living Jesus:

Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

In some ways, the resurrection gives us confidence to do the things that we are afraid of doing.  As long as it is not sin, it will not separate us from the love of Jesus.  We know our biggest problem in life is taken care of.  We know that even if something doesn’t work out, God has our best interest in mind.  And we know best of all, we will not be separated from the love of God found in Jesus Christ.

So, today, move forward with confidence.  You are loved and your biggest battle over sin and Satan is won and the victory is yours.  Let the resurrection give you confidence today!

Apply: Read the verse above from Romans three times.  What confidence does it give you as you think about your day ahead?

Prayer: Lord thank you for giving me the confidence to live in the reality that nothing can separate me from your love.  Over come my fear.  Prevent me from being cocky.  Keep me in a spirit of confident faith today!  AMEN.

our mission: Grow With Purpose - Go With Passion