Crosspoint Church | Georgetown, TX

Give Thanks for Faith!

Thy Strong Word - Ephesians 1 "Spiritual Blessings in Christ" - KFUO Radio


This week’s devotions are based on Week 2 of the Series Ephesians: Becoming Who You Are (CLICK HERE)

15 This is why, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 I never stop giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. 

Have you ever stopped to give thanks to God for the faith of another person?  Perhaps today is the day.  As the Apostle Paul heard of the faith of the people in Ephesus, he saw it as a reason for giving thanks to God for the believers in Ephesus.

To be honest, in church work, it is easy to focus on what is lacking in the congregation or individuals rather than what God has given and is doing.  It’s easy to focus on who is not there on a given Sunday, or wishing more individuals would step up and help with some area of ministry, or that the financial giving was stronger, etc.  The list can go on.  Maybe it’s just me and no other pastor does this, but I must admit and repent of seeing the scarcity rather than the abundance.

Paul just spent 12 verses prior to this marveling at the call of grace that God orchestrated from eternity and brought to reality in the hearts of people in Ephesus.  He wanted them to realize this tremendous gift of grace that had been planned and given from eternity.  When the word of truth took root in their hearts and they too were included in Christ by faith, Paul couldn’t help but give thanks for the faith they had in the Lord Jesus and the way that faith was exhibiting itself in their lives.

Paul took time to thank God that he had made many in Ephesus his dear children.  He rejoiced that they had connected to and had a love for the Word of Truth that fostered and strengthened their children.  He took time to give thanks for the way their faith was showing love for all the saints.

He never stopped giving thanks for the work of God in the hearts of the Ephesian Christians.

Neither should we.

Whenever and wherever you see the Spirit of God at work in the hearts of people is an opportunity to give thanks to God.  Faith is evidence of the power of the Spirit.  Faith is evidence of God’s ability to bring life from that which is spiritually dead.  Love is evidence of the faith that God has given and the manifestation of God’s love in us and working through us.

So perhaps this prayer is the best place for all of us, not just pastors’ to start.  The greatest miracle of God and evidence of God’s power is every individual, including ourselves is the fact that anyone believes in Jesus.  We only have to look in the mirror to marvel at the gift of grace that has been given to us.  We only have to pause to think, “What am I going to do with this gift today?

Paul gives us a wonderful example of praying for other believers.  He remembers them in his prayers.  Perhaps today is a good day to start a prayer journal and list all your Christian friends at your church.  Use this list in your daily prayers to remember all those who have faith in the Lord Jesus and a love for all the saints.

A prayer such as this is an expression of love Paul has for the Ephesians.  He loves when God shows up in his own life, and loves when God shows up in the lives of others.  May we have a similar prayer for all the people around us, that God would use us to connect every souls to the gift of grace.

Apply: Begin a prayer journal!


Lord God forgive me for the apathy I have toward others faith and my relationship with you.  Lead me to me to always treasure the faith you have given to me and the saints with which you have surrounded me.  AMEN.

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