Excel in giving!

Today’s devotion is based off of week 3 of Unlikely Heroes: A Widow 

2 Corinthians 8:7 But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us—see that you also excel in this grace of giving. 



The Corinthian Christians were doing a lot of things right.


Their faith was strong.


Their words reflected God’s truth.


Their knowledge was growing in God’s wisdom.


They had a passion for the work of God’s kingdom.


And they had a deep love for Paul and people.


What could be missing?


“See that you also excel in the grace of giving.”


The Christian life has many facets that are to be brought into conformity to the Lord and his Word and ways.  It starts when the Spirit of God creates a simple trust in Jesus as our Savior at baptism and then is to continue to grow throughout our lifetime.  We maybe work on our speech and getting rid of the “sailor talk.”  Maybe we engage in a Bible Study to learn the Bible better.  We seek to love and care for the people around us.  We may even find a way to serve based on our strengths.


But how do we respond when we are encouraged to grow in our generosity, especially our financial generosity?


Do we react with a pushback that says, “All the church is interested in is my money?” (Even after the church has fed you with God’s word for years, been there for you when you were sick and made sure your children had opportunities to grow in their faith?)  I pray not.


Do we react with an excuse and says, “I have a lot of bills right now and once I get them paid off (or win the lottery) I will give more to the Lord through the church.  I pray not.


Perhaps these are the influence of our sinful nature still at work in us that desires to keep a tight grip on our money.  They are barriers to “excelling in the grace of giving.”


And giving is also a part of our life in which a Christian desires to grow.


The Spirit of God at work in us desires that we loosen our grip on our finances (not to the point of mismanagement) so that our giving is not an after thought after maintaining a lifestyle, but rather the first thought in our Christian life as a way to honor the Lord and show our trust in the Lord.


The grace of giving flows from the grace we have been given…just like every other aspect of the Christian life.  Giving is not an obligation to be done, but rather an opportunity to be leveraged.  We GET to give because of the grace given to us.


So this week we are going to pray for God’s Spirit to grow in us the ability to excel in the grace of giving.  For as with every other aspect of our Christian life, when we better manage the wealth God has entrusted to us, the more we will see and realize the grace and blessing God has given to us.


Apply: Evaluate your heart toward giving on a scale of 1-10.  Ten would be a heart that can’t wait to give, motivated fully by the grace we have been given.  A One would be a heart that really struggles to give and sees it as a minor or unimportant part of our Christian life.


Prayer: Lord, thank you for all you have given to me.  Help me grow in my giving so that I may excel in the grace of giving.  AMEN.


As the LORD moves you, you may want to give a gift to the Crosspoint ministry that enables these devotions to be sent out every week.  If so, please click on this link and simply indicate a gift to our general ministry fund which provides the financial resources that make these devotions possible.